How do I call The Police in Bali, Indonesia?
As a seasoned Bali expat, I can assure you that while the Island of the Gods is predominantly safe and welcoming, but there’s always potential occasions when you may need to call the police.
Whether it’s for minor mishaps or more pressing situations, understanding how to reach out to the local authorities can provide peace of mind.
Here’s a brief guide to help you navigate this process:
1. Emergency Numbers:
The primary number to call the police in Bali (and across Indonesia) is 110. This number is toll-free, and you should be connected with an operator fairly quickly. However, do note that while many operators do speak some English, it’s not always guaranteed.
2. Local Police Stations (Polisi):
If your situation isn’t immediately pressing, you might consider going to the nearest police station, known as “Polisi” in Bahasa Indonesia. Here are a few major ones in popular areas:
- Kuta: Jl. Raya Kuta No. 130, Kuta
- Ubud: Jl. Raya Ubud No. 8, Ubud
- Seminyak: Jl. Plawa No. 8, Seminyak
- Denpasar: Jl. WR Supratman No. 7, Denpasar
3. Tourist Police:
Specifically established for the safety and aid of tourists, the tourist police in Bali are quite helpful. They can mediate in minor disputes and offer assistance in various situations. Here’s how you can reach them:
- Tourist Police Station in Kuta: Jl. Kartika Plaza, Kuta (near the Discovery Shopping Mall).
- Phone Number: +62 361 754 599/ +62 361 224 111
4. Speaking the Language:
While many police officers in tourist areas do speak some English, it’s always handy to know a few Bahasa phrases to explain your situation better:
- “Tolong” (TOH-long) – Help!
- “Saya perlu polisi” (SAH-yah PER-loo po-LEE-see) – I need the police.
- “Ada masalah di sini” (AH-dah mah-SAH-lah di SEE-nee) – There’s a problem here.
5. Maintain Respect & Calm:
When dealing with the Balinese police, as with any other authority, maintain respect. The Balinese are known for their friendly demeanor, and a respectful attitude will be beneficial in resolving any issue.
6. Stay Informed:
Before traveling to Bali or while living here, it’s a good idea to keep the local embassy or consulate details on hand. They can provide valuable support in more severe incidents, especially where legal implications are concerned.
7. Non-Emergency Services:
For situations that don’t require immediate police attention but might involve legalities (e.g., lost passport, rental disputes), consider contacting local legal advisors or your respective embassy.
Bali is a paradise, with its sweeping landscapes, pristine beaches, and vibrant culture. Yet, like anywhere in the world, emergencies can arise. Being equipped with knowledge can make these rare occurrences much more manageable. Stay safe and enjoy all the wonders Bali has to offer!